.overlay { pointer-events: none; } .content-wrapper.second { position: fixed; left: 0%; top: 0%; right: 0%; bottom: auto; pointer-events: none; z-index: 3; }

Hi, I'm Dali!
Web Designer and Webflow Developer.

I help businesses optimise their online strategy and build Websites using tools such as Figma, Webflow and Framer.
My focus lies on good communication and valuable partnerships.

Contact me

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Contact me
Contact me
Contact me
webflow certified experts badge


Communication is key and the foundation of every project. There will be no sudden radio silence or drop in priority. You can rely on my services from start to finish.


A website should be a tool with a specific purpose. Not only do I design your website, but I offer discovery and consultancy to create long-lasting value.


Websites are developed using the client-first system. Any content will be checked and optimised for quality and speed. Fundamental SEO is included in every project.

Image representing the Project
Image representing the Project
Cursor with speech bubble saying Webflow
Cursor with speech bubble saying Figma
Cursor with speech bubble saying Stragey
Cursor with speech bubble saying Web Design
Cursor with speech bubble saying Framer
Dali Logo showing speech bubble with the word Dali inside. Colours are black and white